Our Services

Combustion System Engineering & Analysis
CSE has a complement of licensed, Certified Fire and Explosion Investigators (CFEI) and Professional Engineers (PE) on staff with experience in residential, commercial, and industrial fire origin and cause investigation. As members of the NFPA 921 committee and various other code making entities, CSE's investigation staff is well-versed in the use of proper methodology and fundamental scientific principles when conducting their investigations. CSE is equipped with state-of-the-art photography, videography and measurement equipment for scene documentation and has working relationships with public officials and private investigation firms throughout the country.
Fire Protection Services
CSE has the expertise and experience to provide fire hazard and code analyses for the purposes of preventing or minimizing the impact of fire incidents or to better understand the growth and spread of a fire after an -incident has occurred. Our fire protection engineers can utilize prescriptive and/or performance-based design techniques in evaluating new structural designs and renovations for life safety and fire protection systems needs. CSE's extensive scope of considerations includes system failure analysis, hazard identification and fire scenario development, fire suppression/detection system actuation, and halon replacement options. Considerations for consequence analyses are made to include life safety, property loss, continuity of operations, and environmental effects. Additionally, from a differential damage perspective, CSE has evaluated structures, post-fire incident, to determine if code violations played a role in the growth and spread of smoke and fire.