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Evidence Inspection, Storage, & Testing

CSE has on-site facilities and equipment to host detailed evidence inspections. Equipment available for inspections include photographic and video-graphic recording, microscope inspection and on-site machining capabilities.

Lab Space

CSE has a complement of licensed, Certified Fire and Explosion Investigators (CFEI) and Professional Engineers (PE) on staff with experience in residential, commercial, and industrial fire origin and cause investigation. As members of the NFPA 921 committee and various other code making entities, CSE's investigation staff is well-versed in the use of proper methodology and fundamental scientific principles when conducting their investigations. CSE is equipped with state-of-the-art photography, videography and measurement equipment for scene documentation and has working relationships with public officials and private investigation firms throughout the country.



CSE is equipped with a Nikon SMZ800 Stereomicroscope with lighting and capture equipment. The Stereomicroscope has a Plan Apo 1x objective, and 10x eyepiece (total magnification in this configuration: 10x-63x), and a total possible magnification of 5x-126x.


Machining Equipment

CSE has in-house machining capabilities including a Milling Machine and a Lathe.


If your sector could benefit from our expertise and you’d like to hire us for your next project, please get in touch.

Combustion Science & Engineering, Inc.


8940 Old Annapolis Rd, Suite L, Columbia MD 21045

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