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Combustion System Engineering & Analysis

CSE has assisted in the design of numerous combustion systems and has performed analyses of all components that impact the performance of a combustor, including premixers, transition pieces and cooling systems. CSE personnel use both fundamental and practical engineering knowledge in their analysis of the fluid mechanics, chemical kinetics, and heat transfer taking place in combustion systems. Our engineers have extensive capabilities in both experimental and analytical aspects of combustion and heat transfer, and are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and resources to perform their experimental and computational analyses.


Combustion Research & Development

CSE has strong and well-diversified capabilities in fundamental and applied combustion research, and boasts extensive knowledge and achievements in both analytical and experimental investigations. CSE uses a variety of methods in its experimental testing - including advanced optical and laser based techniques to measure temperatures, heat fluxes, and species and particulate concentrations. CSE's comprehensive analytical capabilities include reaction kinetics, radiation modeling, and reacting-flow Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).


Selected Experiences:

  • Developed and utilized laser diagnostic techniques to measure minor species (OH and CH) and pollutant formation (NO) in combustion systems.

  • Developed chemiluminescence-based optical combustion diagnostics for gas turbine engines.

  • Investigated NO to NO2 conversion at super-atmospheric pressures.

  • Designed and demonstrated emissions reduction system for Navy fire fighter training facilities.


Engineering Services

CSE has widespread experience using the latest CFD codes for both analysis and design. Systems modeled include gas turbine combustion components, such as swirlers, transition pieces, flow conditioners, premixers, and flame holders. Additionally, CSE has successfully developed and implemented reduced chemical kinetics reaction mechanisms into commercially available CFD codes for prediction of minor species concentration and ignition and extinction.


Selected Experience

  • Applied CFD to design and analyze a wide range of gas turbine components including premixers, transition pieces, flow conditioners, fuel nozzles, and swirlers.

  • For more on our CFD capabilities see

  • Predicted combustor pollutant emissions (NO and CO) by developing and incorporating reduced chemical kinetics mechanisms.

  • Utilized the SANDIA suite of combustion codes to study flame kinetics.

  • Utilized Cantera for chemical kinetics calculations and Chemical Reactor Network modeling.

  • Developed detailed and reduced mechanisms for complex fuels such as JP-8.

  • Performed fire hazard analyses to determine time to HEPA filter failure as a result of fire in a radioactive material processing facility and to develop technical requirements for halon-alternative suppression systems in computer facilities, aircraft hush houses, and Navy frigates.



Analytical Tools

CSE has three high performance computing clusters:

  • (2) 32 processor (3GHz x86 32-bit) 16 node Linux clusters at 4.0 GB RAM per node

  • (1) 48 processor (4GHz x86_64 64-bit) 24 node Linux cluster at 6.0 GB RAM per node

High performance engineering workstations for each engineer:

  • Dual-core 4GHz x86_64 Linux workstations with 4~16 GB RAM and PCI-express graphics bus

State of the art computational and modeling software

  • Modeling Software:

    • ANSA, ICEM-CFD, Prostar, Gambit, Tgrid

    • Prostar, Ensight, mETA for post-processing

What all this means:

  • Models can be built using the latest technologies to almost arbitrary levels of detail

  • Models up to 30-50 million cells can be used for analyses when necessary

  • A typical problem of 5-10 million cells can be run in 3-5 days

  • Solver can be chosen to suit the needs of a given client or problem

  • Results can be delivered in a dynamic movie oriented format for use on any platform

If your sector could benefit from our expertise and you’d like to hire us for your next project, please get in touch.

Combustion Science & Engineering, Inc.


8940 Old Annapolis Rd, Suite L, Columbia MD 21045

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